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Our Work

Issues common to nearly all condos are in the news practically every day. At DigiNotice, we take these issues seriously so that your condo community can be carefree and secure in the knowledge that residents know what to do and how to do it. Check out the news stories below and see how DigiNotice addresses the issues to create and maintain socially and financially successful condo communities.

Big dogs in condos.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound (or 47) of dog. Nobody likes disputes like this and the Board might SEEM unkind but they are obligated to uphold the rules. Communication is key! A proper communication strategy would ensure that residents know a) the rules for allowable pets and b) that the Board is not allowed to "look the other way"


Tossed cigarette butts are a real fire hazard but many condo residents and their guests don't think twice about what happens when they flick one over the balcony. Getting their attention and changing their behaviour saves both lives and property..

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Condo Residents With No A/C 

When it comes to condo maintenance, sometimes things happen (like chillers breaking), that are beyond anyone's control. It's important to keep the communication flowing along with up to the minute updates on what is going on and a timeline for when things will be better. This campaign consisted of more than 57 notices - some designed to inform, some to provide tips and some to simply encourage a smile during a difficult situation.


For years, DigiNotice's annual flu campaign has been reminding condo residents to wash their hands, avoid touching their face and stay home if feeling sick. In fact, we ran a series on the coronavirus when there were just two confirmed cases in Ontario, a full month before the initial lockdown in March 2020. Our clients credit DigiNotice as being instrumental in keeping Covid-19 out of their buildings.

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